


Your quest to absorb Italian culture leads you first to experience the rich flavor of Italian espresso, the preferred morning beverage of most Italians. In fact, your ambitions have lead you to dream of becoming a barista at a caffè in Italy (or maybe at a coffee house in Seattle). This web site will prepare you to become an expert barista, from the practical to the historical - a real professional!

Un caffè doppio corretto con panna, per piacere! 

Since you know that Italians are very particular about their coffee, you must study the terminology of coffee brewing before applying for the job. Fortunately, there is a fine dictionary of Barista terminologia, where you can research the definitions of doppio, lungo, corretto, con panna, macchiato, and latte macchiato.


Esperto in caffè!

In your training to become a premier barista, you realize that you still have a lot to learn about coffee. Not only are there thousands of different coffee brands, but there are also innumerable variations of coffee within a brand itself. 
Determined to find out as much as you can about the coffee you serve, you explore various coffee products - i prodotti -  and become an expert in chatting about coffee flavors and tastes with your customers. Visit the caffè Lavazza or the caffè Moak site, and complete the list below with the name of the product and some of the adjectives used to describe it.

Nome prodotto Descrizione


So far you have enjoyed your life as a barista. Now you are really interested in finding out more about the requirements of a professional career in that field.
You have realized that to be a professional barista or cameriere in Italy, you need to have certification from una scuola statale di formazione professionale, o l'I.P.S.S.A.R. Take a classmate with you on a virtual tour of one of the many I.P.S.S.A.R.'s of Italy -  scuola 1, scuola 2, o scuola 3. Find out:

Do institutions similar to I.P.S.S.A.R. exist in the United Sates? Would you be interested in enrolling in the school you just visited?



Un caffè fantastico in un bar di lusso.

Now that you have completed your virtual tour of the I.P.S.S.A.R. and learned about professional training, you are ready to apply for a couple of job openings in the sala-bar of an elegant Italian restaurant, La Sosta or Neuv Caval D'Brôns, before making cameriere or barista your career choice. In order to make yourselves outstanding candidates, you invent a new type of espresso beverage. With your extensive knowledge of coffee and your outstanding barista vocabulary, describe your invention to the review board (your classmates). Remember to greet the review board with the utmost formality and professionalism. Good luck!

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